Your Rights as a Propane user

Did you know that if you use Propane in areas like: Many part of rural Nevada, Galena Forest Estates, Scotch Pines and higher up the Mount Rose Highway, you have the ability of using varies different companies.  You have a few rights that you might not know about.

You can change dealers if you are dissatisfied with either the price your dealer is charging or the service you are receiving.

Obtain the current posted price for propane and any additional charges that may apply to its delivery. Know at the beginning of the day that a price change might take effect.

Know the annual tank rental fee and you can own your own tank and regulator.

48 hours prior to disconnection of service you have to be notified.

The person working on your tank has to be LP-Gas licensed by the LP- Gas board.

If you decide to change dealers they have to remove their tank  within 30 days, after you have notified them in writing. What ever propane is left in your tank after being measured is refundable to you as is the remaining rental fee. This should be refunded to you within 15 days at the price you paid for it.

Here are a few questions to ask before you choose a dealer:  Are there written descriptions of services that will be provided, is there a charge to install/service  tank, are you to be on a schedule or do you have to call first, will it cost extra if you call for service outside of your normal schedule, how am I priced… on annual use, area, quantity or other criteria, does the dealer offer discounts that apply to you,  and does he offer equal payment plans.

The following agencies can provide you with help if you are a low -income household.

Federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) 866-674-6327 or The Nevada Energy Connection 866-846-2009

For more information please call Nevada Board for the  Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas at 775-687-4890 or email them at  Web site is

If you or anyone you may know have real estate questions or inquiries in the Montreux, Galena Forest, ArrowCreek, Saddlehorn, St. James or Scotch Pines areas, please contact Louise Simpson by email at or by cell at (775) -750-1901.

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